Estelle in the Media

Candidates in the October 2019 Canadian federal election appear at Carlton High School to answer students' questions.

In Her Own Words


Representing Prince Albert

“Even just within Saskatchewan we’re over-looked and we don’t get our fair shake for being the third largest city which hosts services for the whole northern region,” she told paNOW. “This riding, which is all the way from Shellbrook to Nipawin, has a lot of different things in it and I don’t think anyone really pays attention to us.” — From paNOW

“I believe I can most effectively stand up for and help the people and communities of the constituency of Prince Albert by entering the federal political arena.” — From the Humboldt Journal

“We are the best team to represent Canadians. We have invested in terms of families through the Canada child benefit, action on climate change, supporting better health care and home care for seniors, having an affordable housing strategy, and new opportunities we’ve announced for training.” — From paNOW

“Finished my last court matter and I am now officially on leave! I’m excited to be able to focus on the election full time.”

“Finished my last court matter and I am now officially on leave! I’m excited to be able to focus on the election full time.”


“A lot of these situations could be prevented if we were supporting people at various points in their lives.” — From the Humboldt Journal

“To solve crime we have to address the root causes of crime in the long term, and support those who want to change in the short term.” — Live

The carbon tax, the environment, and the economy

“The federal plan allows provinces to make their own plans, but provides a federal backstop to create an even playing field across the country. The impacts of greenhouse gases are interprovincial, national and international so a price must apply in all provinces,” she said. 

“The structure of the federal plan (in the provinces that chose not to make their own plan) means that the majority of the money raised from the carbon price will be returned directly to people living within that province, who can then choose to spend that money as they wish,” she said. “The overall negative economic impact will be negligible, and ideally people will choose to modify their behaviour in order to pollute less and thus pay less in terms of the carbon price, which means that they may come out ahead.” — From saskNOW

“We have to go with the top two, and right now the best of the top two is by far the Liberals.” — former Green Party candidate Byron Tenkink

“We have to go with the top two, and right now the best of the top two is by far the Liberals.” — former Green Party candidate Byron Tenkink

“I do have an environmental background and people who know me know I am very strong in this,” she said. “In the interim, unfortunately, we do have to keep using fossil fuels because we aren’t set up to function without them right now. This is the best thing we can do to use profits from that to transition into a green economy.”
Hjertaas also noted the Liberals have worked to protect the environment with the Climate Action Fund, carbon tax, cleaner fuel standards and more.” — From paNOW

“It’s clear Canadians in general care more about environmental issues, and climate change in particular, in this election than ever before,” she said. “Hopefully people will see there is a candidate who is making this a priority issue.” — From paNOW

Green Party support

“Hjertaas said getting [former Green Party candidate Byron Tenkink’s] backing was important for her campaign.
“It’s clear to everyone that the environment is his number one issue… and that shows everyone how serious I am about addressing environmental issues.” — From paNOW

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On Choosing Forward

“People are scared and upset about things,” she continued. “We just need to listen to their concerns, talk to them about what we’re doing to help them and what matters to us and what our plan is for the future. I think that’s what Prince Albert needs. I can provide that, but I need this whole team of people behind me.”

“If we want to have a progressive voice in Prince Albert we need to elect a progressive voice to be part of a government,” she said. “Not just be opposition, but to be a part of a government that is actually delivering for Canadians and for people in Prince Albert.” — From the Prince Albert Daily Herald

From Those Who Know Her


“I received updates about Estelle for years from mutual friends, because they had assumed that we were friends too because we knew all the same people but somehow missed each other in school. When I finally did meet Estelle, she was so warm and smart and thoughtful, and engaging that I knew we immediately became friends, thus fulfilling the assumption (prophecy?) that everyone else already had!”
— Dany, friend

“She treats ALL people like human beings, and is an advocate for being environmentally conscious.”
— fellow dance student

“She’s been bringing people together since she moved to Prince Albert, at salsa class, at community dinners, and been brightening up the homes of anyone she visits. She’s been a big sister foster mother to a stranger and trusted friend to many. She just cares.”
— Eric, classmate


“She's open minded; She can work with many different people as every person who has been to her family dinners can attest. She also has sincerity; She can disagree with someone and sill work with that person.”
— James, classmate and friend

“She has all the qualities to succed in this role, she has a helping nature, outgoing, caring young and great ideas for our future. Everything you would look for in our future politician.I hope she makes it through.”
— Shwetank, friend

“As a legal aid lawyer, and a community social star, Estelle sees and understands the needs of its residents first hand. She's heavily involved into the community, and tries to help anyone she becomes aware is in need of help.”
— Sam, work colleague

“She's one of the kindest, most sensible and capable people I know. Don't know which I admire more, the fact that she left her small-town birthplace or the fact that she could see so much of its value that she went back. Proof that she's down-to-earth and motivated by a genuine desire to help. We need more MPs like Estelle.”
— Richard, classmate, fellow Liberal McGill teammate


“She's extremely dedicated, hard working, knowledgeable, very involved in the community, does a ton of volunteering so she's also connected to those less fortunate and in most need of help and representation. She's also honest and don't believe she'd be a self serving politician.”
— Jed, friend and instructor

“Estelle bought me books she thought I would like to read. Very thoughtful.”
— Kristina, classmate

“I remember going to a New Year’s Eve in Saskatoon and having a total blast with a couple people from salsa PA. She is a great party companion!”
— Mauricio Arango, salsa teacher/partner, Cree lessons classmate

“She care for everyone regardless of their origin, socioeconomic background. She leads by example. She is heavily involved in activities that keep communities together and vibrant. She is able to listen. I am sure she can advocate and protect interest of people in her riding.”
— Utsav, friend

“She's outgoing, always smiling, positive, intelligent, dedicated to improving the community she lives in.”
— Jed, friend and instructor

“When we went hiking, she picked up trash on our way. Which motivated other people to do good. She motivates people by example.”
— Utsav, friend


“Estelle is familiar with many of the unique issues affecting the people of this riding. In her capacity as a legal aid lawyer, she sees the impact that poverty and substance abuse can have on both individuals and communities. Along with her solid understanding of economics, I believe she is the right person to campaign for the unique needs of our riding, regardless of the party's stance on an issue.”
— friend and student

“She cares about the people there. I know how involved she has been both professionally and personally and she didn’t need to do all that. Estelle is so smart that she could have continued working in a big city making big money. But she loves her home community, and wants to help see it thrive. That commitment really is the thing that will make her great.”
— friend

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“She would show up, do her job and represent her constituents with transparency and integrity.”
— classmate

“She is the most genuine and caring person I know, who is always willing to go out of her way to help others.”
— Sam, work colleague

“Estelle has a big heart [she] loves to help and serve people”
— Mohammed, close friend

“Estelle and I only lived in the same place for 2 months, but in that time she created more of a community around her than anyone else in the years they were there. She was involved in salsa and Jiu Jitsu and grew a friendship with the owner of an oft frequented local Ethiopian restaurant and threw the best Halloween parties every year, everyone was welcome and felt it, even among a crowd you didn't know.”
— Robynn, roommate, then friend


“She can scrap with the best of them, genuinely cares about us regular folks, and has the wits and perseverance to see things through.”
— Richard, classmate, fellow Liberal McGill teammate


“Estelle creates community wherever she goes from Prince Albert to Kenya.”
— Dan, co-worker and friend

“She helped my wife to get into a safe location once when she was getting bugged by few people in a club. Always thankful for that.”
— Shwetank, friend

“Estelle was one of the many students I worked with, and I remember how interesting she was back then, the students had this fishing pole going around the office, and Estelle ended up with it. But when she left she gave it to me. We always had great conversations, I am quite older than Estelle, but I always enjoyed talking with her.”
— Brenda, co-worker


“She is more focused on doing what she feels will benefit others than she is on making money or obtaining power.”
— colleague and friend

Estelle will make an excellent MP. She loves Prince Albert and is dedicated to making it a better place. She is hard working, well-informed about Canada and the world, highly intelligent, and passionate about improving policies and legislation to improve Canada and the lives of all Canadians. I have no doubt that she will avail herself to all her constituents, listen to their concerns and represent their collective interests in parliament. Moreover she will continue to contribute substantially to directions the Liberal party takes.
— teammate and friend

“One spring Estelle and I walked around a neighbourhood just picking up trash left on the street and wishing people a nice day.”
— Eric, classmate

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“She is fair, honest and she cares.”
— Teacher

She has all the qualities to succed in this role, she has a helping nature, outgoing, caring young and great ideas for our future.Everything you would look for in our future politician.I hope she makes it through.
— Shwetank, friend
